Domain and other sunfall enjoyers need to decide if they want to spend five mana getting rid of one relevant creature and their token companion.īloodletter might look weaker than Sheoldred in the 4 slot, but turning a lightning strike into 6 dmg to the face, or hopeless nightmare into 4 dmg.hell, just turning a 3 point attack from 2 dorks into 6 damage, the card can do serious work the turn you cast it. It does damage in a variety of different ways, so a board wipe does not mean you lose. You have hard removal, more value, card draw, bigger top-end, more early inevitability, and so on. It usually does damage every turn, like mono-red, but has a MUCH better mid-game and a lot more reach. There are a few things that make this deck greater than the sum of its parts.